Please, be sure to read carefully and understand the content of the whole page. Feel free to contact us via the official email or the Contact Form if you have any questions. Your feedback is appreciated!
Registration System
This year a new online registration system will be used. All participants, including teams (contestants and team leaders), jury members, volunteers and observers should be registered through the system.
No other ways of registration will be possible.
For security reasons every new user has to be approved. Please, use your email with which you have been added to email distribution groups, your real names and a valid phone number. Using fake data will lead to rejecting your user request in the system.
The link for the system can be found here.
Registration Process
Teams Registration
Teams should be registered by their country team leader. Only one team leader per country should register all the contestants, team leaders and observers. In order to complete the registration, the following steps should be completed:- Create a user in the Registration System (RS) and choose Team Leader role.
- Wait 3-5 business days for the user to be approved by the RS team.
- Register your country for participation of the upcoming IOL – number of teams, package type, number of observers, working languages. ⇒ The deadlines for the different types of registrations are described on our Registration Schedule and Fees page. ⇒ Please, read carefully the Rules for choosing the working languages, available on the Country Registration page.
- Create your teams. Choose their names and select the working language for the teams contest for each of them.
- Create you arrival and departure transport records – type of transport, number, date and time of arrival or departure.
- Create your contestants – all the information needed – names, personal details, room preferences, dietary requirements, working language, assign arrival and departure transport records, etc.
- Create your observers – all the information needed – names, personal details, room preferences, dietary requirements, assign arrival and departure transport records, etc.
⇒ Please, note that not all the data will be editable after the submission of the forms. If you discover you cannot change what is needed, please contact us using the IOL 2023 official email.
Observers Registration
The best and easiest way to register observers is the observers to be registered with the teams of their country or with the jury member they are travelling with.
The other way is each observer to register by themselves.
In order to complete the registration, the following steps should be completed:
- Create a user in the Registration System (RS) and choose Individual Observer role.
- Wait 3-5 business days for the user to be approved by the RS team.
- Create your observers – all the information needed – names, personal details, room preferences, dietary requirements, assign arrival and departure transport records, etc.
⇒ Please, note that not all the data will be editable after the submission of the forms. If you discover you cannot change what is needed, please contact us using the IOL 2023 official email.
Volunteers Registration
After the volunteer has been approved, they should register by themselves.
In order to complete the registration, the following steps should be completed:
- Create a user in the Registration System (RS) and choose Volunteer role.
- Wait 3-5 business days for the user to be approved by the RS team.
- Create your volunteer – all the information needed – names, personal details, room preferences, dietary requirements, assign arrival and departure transport records, etc.
⇒ Please, note that not all the data will be editable after the submission of the forms. If you discover you cannot change what is needed, please contact us using the IOL 2023 official email.
Jury Registration
Jury members will be registered by a jury member, appointed for this task. Instructions will be discussed in person.
Note: if you see some numbers after an item you have chosen or created (ex. “English (262)” when you chose a working language), please discard the number in the brackets. It is an internal system identification number and RS team is working to remove them from the interface.